Video Gallery

Safe Driving Videos

Safe Driving Videos

Thanks for wanting to learn more about safe driving! This page has a bunch of videos about driving safety including two created by New Hampshire Teens! Check them out!

Safe driving takes practice! When you’re behind the wheel, just drive. Put down your phone, keep your eyes on the road, and buckle up: every trip, every time.

If you could, would you save a life? Police, firefighters, EMT’s, healthcare professionals and others save lives every day when they go to work. Do your job behind the wheel and be a hero like them. Put down your phone, keep your eyes on the road, wear your seat belt, and drive safely. The life you save could be your own.

This PSA was created by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. It is intended to show the dangers of distracted driving and to show how fast a crash can happen.

Melissa Fifield is one of two women who professionally race with NASCAR. In this 30 second PSA, Melissa discusses the importance of seat belt use on or off the track.

Michael Phelps, a retired Concord NH high school teacher, was killed in a crash in Allenstown, NH, when a young, single mom distracted by her phone ran a red light. This video shows the impact on the Phelps family and on the young woman who caused the crash.

Seat Belt Safety

Seat Belts Save Lives..