New Hampshire Teen Driver Program

Programs for Schools

Driving Toward Zero

NHDOT is committed to roadway safety for all and firmly believe that one death is too many. The Driving Toward Zero program will be reaching out and connecting with towns, schools, public events, and the community to raise awareness of the mission to reduce roadway deaths to zero. By identifying common causes of accidents and connecting with partners and users who can facilitate change, either on a town or government level or with concerned parents teaching their teens how to drive, we strive to achieve our mission.

Eliminating fatalities on New Hampshire roadways is an important vision and the driving force behind this plan and the coalition that united in its development. It is also an important vision for the public, all of whom travel New Hampshire's roadways—by car, motorcycle, truck, bicycle, or even on foot-day and night under all types of weather conditions.

Objective: Our mission is to create a safety culture where even one death is too many, through a collaborative effort of both public and private entities, as well as the implementation of education, enforcement, engineering, and emergency management solutions.

Goal: Our vision is to reduce the number of fatal and severe injury crashes on New Hampshire roadways to ZERO. Though our overall goal is to reach zero fatalities, we have set a plan goal of reducing the number of fatalities and severe injuries by 50 percent by the year 2030.

To learn more please visit NH Driving Toward Zero | Department of Transportation

If you would like to discuss this program further please contact:

Marc Palermo
(603) 271-1615


Mark Munroe
(603) 271-8234

Seat Belt Safety

Seat Belts Save Lives..